Our sense of smell is associated with many things — good memories, bad memories, nausea and, you guessed it, migraine. Smells trigger migraine in many people. If you’re one of them, understanding why and how to fix it could change your life. While research is ongoing into why, there are some convincing theories. This guide can help you avoid or manage the smells that are most often linked to migraine attacks.

Can smells trigger migraine?

The quick answer is yes. Increased sensitivity to and intolerance of smells, or osmophobia, are familiar to many. It’s unclear why some people are more sensitive to smell than others. When a smell triggers a migraine, it’s often severe and accompanied by nausea.

Specific migraine-triggering odors vary from person to person. Many people with migraine are more sensitive in general to their environments, but what makes smells so triggering? Evidence suggests that only certain smells are associated with attacks. Your brain receives an odor signal through the olfactory system. This signal activates different areas of your brain — your scent and pain receptors. The result can be a migraine attack.

Common smells that trigger migraine

Everyone is different. Smells that trigger migraine for you may not bother someone else at all. Some common odors that trigger migraine include:

  • Perfumes
  • Tobacco
  • Fabric softener
  • Body odor
  • Garbage
  • Hair products
  • Gasoline fumes
  • Grilled fish
  • Alcohol
  • Garlic
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Laundry detergent

There are many more, including insect repellent, animals and coffee. Any odor that triggers migraine is more likely to do so if you’ve been exposed to it for several minutes. It’s also more potent if you’re in an enclosed space.

Tips for preventing odor-induced migraine

Many of the above odors are common occurrences in your daily life. Being aware of your triggers and avoiding them can help. The following tips and tricks can help you keep your migraine attacks at bay:


CEFALY is an FDA-cleared, clinically proven neuromodulation therapy device for migraine. It works by targeting the trigeminal nerve, which is the primary pathway for migraine pain. The device sends a precise electrical impulse to the trigeminal nerve, helping reduce migraine pain and the frequency of attacks.

You can use CEFALY in two ways:

  • ACUTE treatment: Use this program when you feel an attack coming on to help relieve pain.
  • PREVENT treatment: The PREVENT program is intended for everyday use. It desensitizes the trigeminal nerve over time and builds up your resistance to migraine attacks.

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Recognize your triggers

Observe your environment. Over time, you’ll make connections between your surroundings and migraine attacks. Tracking your migraine attacks in a journal or app can help you identify patterns, including odors, as triggers. The CeCe Migraine Management app is an intuitive way to track your symptoms. You can log your attacks and triggers and see how they change over time.

Manage your environment

Taking charge of your space is an excellent way to limit your most powerful triggers. For example, remove chemicals from your home or workspace if you know that they are likely to bring on a migraine attack. Ventilation is a must, as enclosed spaces intensify odor-related triggers. Ensure good air circulation in your space, making it healthier for everyone. You can even request a fragrance-free policy at work if perfume is one of your triggers.

Ensure good air circulation in your space

Choose migraine-friendly furnishings and cleaning products

Furniture, paint and cleaning products often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They can be hard to detect and persist after the “new smell” is gone. One study found that certain chemicals activate TRPA1 channels in the trigeminal nerve endings in your airway. They trigger a reaction that may lead to a migraine attack. Take the following steps to remove VOCs from your environment:

  • Buy solid wood furniture over composite
  • Choose furniture without chemical stain treatments
  • Focus on eco-friendly, fragrance-free cleaning products

Switch up your self-care routine

Your favorite hair, skin and facial products could be triggers. If your migraine tracking indicates this, it might be time for a change. Opt for natural, odorless hair and beauty products, limit chemicals and experiment with fabric softeners until you find one that works for you. Fortunately, there are many gentle alternatives available for many common items. Look at it as an opportunity to experiment with new products.

Cook with migraine in mind

Many common cooking smells are triggers for people with migraine, including garlic, rice, grilled fish, grilled meat, cheese and curry. Pay attention when you cook, and note your reaction to different ingredients. You may pinpoint ingredients to leave out or substitute, which could lessen your attacks.

The same applies to what you drink. The smell of alcohol is a common migraine trigger. So is coffee, mint, black tea, lemon, apple and tangerine.

Wear a mask or nose plugs

While you can control your environment at home or work, you can’t do anything about smells out in the world. For example, if gasoline is a trigger for you, you can’t escape the fumes when you fill up your car. Nose plugs or a mask are good options in circumstances like this. 

Have a migraine toolkit

Despite your best efforts to avoid triggers, migraine can still hit at inconvenient times. A migraine toolkit can come to the rescue. This is a collection of items that relieve the symptoms of migraine attacks. It’s best to keep more than one — for example, you can have separate toolkits at home, the office and the gym.

There are no rules for what to put in your migraine toolkit. It’s all about choosing items that work for you, which could include:

  • Ice packs or heating pads
  • An ice roller
  • Water
  • Medication
  • Sunglasses or migraine glasses
  • An eye mask
  • Earplugs or headphones
  • A comfortable change of clothes
  • A list of support contacts if you need extra help
Take control of your migraine treatment with CEFALY

Take control of your migraine treatment with CEFALY

Odors may be one of the more challenging migraine triggers to manage. With a positive approach and willingness to experiment, you can identify and take steps to control the smells in your environment. While you’re at it, adding CEFALY to your migraine toolkit lets you take control of your treatments. It’s a noninvasive, drug-free option you can use daily to reduce migraine frequency. 

Want to enjoy more migraine-free days with CEFALY? Try it for 90 days risk-free with our money-back guarantee. 

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