The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, and its health implications have understandably caused great concern across the globe, and with good reason. The World Health Organization has declared the virus a pandemic and said the number of affected countries has tripled in two weeks. There are now upward of 170,000 cases worldwide and more than 6,600 deaths.

People throughout the world are making adjustments to their daily lives. In some instances, patients are foregoing medical visits, pharmacy runs, and more. CEFALY is grateful to be able to continue to bring relief to migraine sufferers from the comfort of their own homes.

If you already have a CEFALY prescription, you can order electrodes to be shipped directly from our warehouse to your door. Each electrode may be reused for up to 20 applications, which means a $28 kit of three electrodes will last you approximately two months if you use your device once a day.

Need a prescription for at-home migraine relief with CEFALY? If your doctor offers telehealth services and is able to offer consultations via Skype, FaceTime, or another digital or telephone platform and you’d like to order a CEFALY device, ask them to send the prescription by email to: or fax a prescription to: (203) 309-6045. Speaking with your doctor remotely removes the risk of contracting the coronavirus in the waiting room, during a treatment, or potentially during your roundtrip commute.

If you already have a CEFALY device but it’s an older version – specifically, the CEFALY 1 that looks like a headband – consider upgrading by trading it in for the CEFALY DUALYou’ll receive a $150 credit toward a new device that comes with two treatment programs instead of one, and a battery that’s rechargeable by USB. This also means no more scrounging for batteries when you most need relief. For more information for our buy-back program in the U.S., click here. Your new device comes with a renewed 60-day money back guarantee.

The CEFALY DUAL offers a 60-minute ACUTE treatment intended to be used at the onset of a migraine to stop or alleviate the pain. It also features a 20-minute daily PREVENT treatment to help prevent future migraine attacks. In studies, people who used the CEFALY device every day saw a reduction in migraine days and reduced use of migraine medication. You may be able to cut back on your medication, reduce potential drug-related side effects, lower your pharmaceutical costs, and stockpile the medication you already have for an emergency (or avoid visiting a pharmacy to pick up a refill).

Migraine affects more than 38 million people in the U.S. and 1 billion worldwide. CEFALY can help you stay home, stay safe, and stay on top of your treatments.

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